I’ve been a writer all my life, having never outgrown my fascination with the enchantment produced by little black marks on a white background. To me writing is a magical act. If I do it well, time and space disappear, and an idea or image leaps from my mind into yours. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.
My first career was in Public Relations, writing news releases, magazines, newsletters, and speeches. At age 40-something, I changed direction and earned a doctorate in English with a Specialty in Creative Writing. I spent 18 years in higher education, then retired as professor emeritus. Now I’m pursuing a lifelong dream to write a series of great mystery novels.
Want to know how my previous careers influenced my characters? There’s a wonderful interview with me on Lynn Slaughter’s blog, posted November 2. Here’s the link https://lynnslaughter.com/2023/11/02/debut-mystery-author-terri-maue-learns-to-deal-with-the-unexpected-results-of-success/